Welcome to the Auckland Primary Principals’ Association – the APPA.
The APPA has been the collective voice for primary and intermediate school principals in the greater Auckland region for close to 120 years. This region spans from Pukekohe and Bombay in the south to Wellsford and Port Albert in the north. It also encompasses schools situated in the Islands of the Hauraki Gulf.
The APPA is a strong professional organisation with a history of service, advocacy and representation of principals across the Tāmaki Makaurau rohe. As the largest principals’ association in New Zealand, our collective voice is influential at the local, regional and national levels. Strong working relationships with the Ministry of Education, Key Ministers and other peak body leaders ensure we regularly contribute to the future shape and direction of Primary and Intermediate education in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Thanks to the Executive for their work during the COVID-19. Recognition from the Ministry of Education for the work of all principals during the last three months. Executive met with the Ministry
The Auckland Primary Principals’ Association and the Ministry of Education currently administer the 2020 PCT Project (previously known as the Auckland Beginning Teacher Project) to boost the
Thanks to the more than fifty schools who took part in this fundraising initiative on the 14 February. We've managed to raise in excess of $25 915 to send to Australia this week.
We hope this newsletter finds you reflecting on a week of serving your community. As you look back, what gave you the most staisfaction? What did this tell you about yourself and how are you going
As you can see the APPA is using the Schoolzine platform to make communication a little easier. We are also in the process of moving the APPA website over to Schoolzine. This will take a few more
We have lead our schools and communities through another week! Again, thank you for being the leaders your school community needed in these challenging times. This newsletter comes a little
As Level 1 approaches there is opportunity to meet in large groups again! Perry Rush, NZPF President, is doing a road show throughout the country. We would love to see lots of our members in